Like the metomorphosis of the butterfly, students learn, grow, and evolve their gymnastics skills at Heidi's Gymnastics.

Heidi's Gymnastics
159 West End
Farragut, TN 37934
(865) 671-4116

Proudly serving
the Knoxville area
since 1999.

fairy on uneven bars with butterflies

About Heidi's Gymnastics

Coach Heidi earned a full gymnastic scholarship as a NCAA collegiate gymnast. Her dream was to open her own gymnastic school one day. This dream, and passion in gymnastics never left, and in 1999 by the Graciousness of GOD, Heidi's Gymnastics became a reality.

Heidi's Mission Statement

butterfly with H as the body Butterflies are not called butterflies over night. They have to undergo tons of changes in order to acquire that name.
- Michael Bassey Johnson

Our mission at Heidi's is to celebrate the individual journey of each child, while providing them with the tools they need to reach their full potential. We are committed to helping our students become strong both physically and emotionally - a place where their unique gifts are nurtured and encouraged. With GODLY CHRISTIAN principles at the core of our approach, Heidi's Gymnastics is devoted to creating an atmosphere of kindness and love. It is our mission to celebrate each child's special unique journey - one filled with encouragement, praise, respect and compassion. We strive to create an atmosphere where all children can feel happy, safe and accepted. Together let's make Heidi's a place of joy, acceptance, and kindness where children can grow in confidence.

orchids with butterfliesWe believe learning is a continual process, that must be enhanced in a positive, nurturing environment. Since every child is celebrated and encouraged during the learning process, significant results will be evident every month and these results will be everlasting and foundational to the physical, emotional and social development of each child.

Heidi's Gym provides a joyful, positive atmosphere where children can learn and grow in confidence and joy from their journey at Heidi's. This process will, in turn, make learning fun and encourage the child in reaching higher achievement milestones.

Whether your child is experienced or just getting started, Heidi's Gymnastics is here to help your child reach their fullest potential through Heidi's supportive, encouraging and personal atmosphere. Come join us today to begin your child's special and beautiful journey at Heidi's, where your child will be celebrated and encouraged every step of the way.

We look forward to welcoming you into Heidi's gymnastic family. Come join us and get ready to have fun!


Meet Our Coaches

Coach Heidi

Heidi Heidi has been coaching for over 30 years. She competed in level 10 in southern California, and was California state bar champion. She received a full gymnastics scholarship to BYU and earned a BS in Psychology. She attended graduate school at Antioch College.

USA Safety Certified

How it all started for Heidi ...
Before I did gymnastics I would always do cartwheels and hand stands out side on the grass and anywhere I could find room. I lived right across the street from my grammar school so when school was over I would go over to the play ground and swing on the monkey bars for hours. I had asked my mom for years to put me in gymnastics and finally she did. She enrolled me in the YMCA gymnastics program when I was 12. I absolutely loved my first class and after that first day I never stopped, I was absolutely in love with the sport of gymnastics. It was a wonderful world of adventure, excitement, challenge, learning, dedication, and commitment that I loved and embraced.

Heidi's dream and goals ...
Coach Heidi and SavannahWhen I was in college I would dream of owning my own gym someday. I know GOD put that in my heart and put all the pieces together. Heidi's is absolutely a dream and a blessing from GOD and is built on Christian values/principles of love, honesty and fairness. I want to be a great steward of the gift GOD gave (Heidi's). I don't want to ever look back and think I did not do my best to lift a child's spirits up or encourage them to be the best they can be. My desire / my heart is for Heidi's to be a blessing to all the families that come. I want the kids to have wonderful experiences of joy and memories filled with positive learning, with individual success (each child is very special and unique and I want them to feel proud of what they have accomplished) I want them to gain confidence in their abilities but also confidence in who GOD made them to be. My sincere hope is that I have created an atmosphere of kindness, love, hope and at the same time taught kids how to work for a goal with determination and commitment. I hope these lessons will stay with them and help them as they go onto different journeys in their lives. I cherish all the families that have gone to Heidi's and that are coming to Heidi's.

Favorite Bible verses …

  • Philippians 4:13 : I can do all things through CHRIST who gives me strength.
  • 2 Timothy 1:7 : For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Hobbies ...
Cooking, riding my bike, doing crafts, studying about gymnastics.

Heidi has five grown children.

Savannah - Assistant Coach

What a great privilege and joy to have my daughter, Savannah, as assistant coach. She has demonstrated great commitment, dedication, passion, loyalty and love for every gymnast that has come to Heidi's. I am so proud of her.
- Coach Heidi

Coach Savannah has been at Heidi's Gymnastics since 2010, and coaching side by side with Heidi since 2013. Her years of coaching demonstrates her commitment and dedication to the sport of gymnastics, as well as to Heidi's Gymnastics. Her knowledge and passion make her an invaluable blessing to our program. Coach Savannah's natural connection with kids is one of the reasons why she is so successful and is so loved as a coach. Her ability to make kids feel comfortable, appreciated and valued while they do gymnastics at Heidi's Gymnastics has been a true blessing for all the kids.

Coach Savannah did gymnastics for 8 years. Her favorite skills to do were back walkovers, and back handsprings. Her favorite event to coach is tumbling.

USA safety certified

Favorite Bible verse ...

  • Isaiah 40:31 : But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Hobbies ... Working out, singing, baking, and dog walks in the park with her dog, Scout.

Coach Heidi and Coach Savannah tossing chalk in the air.
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Heidi's Gymnastics where fun and learning go hand in hand.

Heidi's Gymnastics
Where Fun and Learning
Go Hand in Hand


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Caterpillar on balance beam with butterfly.